HBH Daily Lung Support Tea, (Pollution Support)

HBH Daily Lung Support Tea, (Pollution Support)


205 NT

What's in your cup?

Bad air = I need mullein!

This herb tea blend combines mullein with nettle, Japanese honeysuckle buds, and now plantain leaf.

Together they support
🌿healthy lung function
🌿lungs in moving out debris
🌿respiratory and whole system health as a potent nutrient boost (and who doesn't need that, but especially when we are taxed by bad air!)
🌿natural detox channels like the lymphatic to work more efficiently
🌿lower systemic inflammation

Now with plantain leaf!
Plantain has a long tradition of being used as a drawing herb, drawing in the sense that it helps the body draw foreign matter out of tissues.
You can try this drawing action on yourself with fresh plantain on a splinter in your finger!

How to prepare:

Way 1:
1 rounded tablespoon of herbs per large mug of boiling water. Cover, let steep 15 minutes
Strain very well as the small hairs on mullein leaf can irritate the throat.

Way 2 for a truly therapeutic and nutrient dense brew:
1-2 rounded tablespoons of herbs per large mug of boiling water. Cover, let steep 4 or more hours (over night is convenient!).
Strain very well.

Add a stainless steel tea strainer here!

1 teaspoon of powdered tea herbs (ground in a coffee grinder is good) per mug of boiling water or smoothie!
Let cool and drink the tea and powder
(you get more from your herbs, but use less!)

organic mullein, nettle, sulfur-free Japanese honeysuckle blossoms, pesticide-free plantain leaf

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