Fantastic new price! Bamboo Toothbrushes

Fantastic new price! Bamboo Toothbrushes


It's back! Rose Facial Mist

from $6.01
Castor Oil and Castor Oil Belt Packs tw-11134201-7r98v-lor9g2vujvjw06.jpg

Castor Oil and Castor Oil Belt Packs

from $4.06
New additions! Shampoo Bars * Locally made*

New additions! Shampoo Bars * Locally made*

from $5.17
New! Natural Bar Soap (for pets too!) *locally made* Pet Shampoo Bar.jpg

New! Natural Bar Soap (for pets too!) *locally made*

Healthy Hair and Scalp Therapy Oil.png

🌿HBH Healthy Hair and Scalp Therapy Oil, 100 g

HBH Healthy Skin Drops, 50 ml

HBH Healthy Skin Drops, 50 ml

HBH Botaniglo Site Pic .png

HBH Botani-glow Face Oil, 30 ml

HBH Calendula Oil, 100 ml
Coming Soon or Sold Out

HBH Calendula Oil, 100 ml

New addition! Deodorant, Arm & Hammer Essentials 41sJFtMbptL._AC_.jpg

New addition! Deodorant, Arm & Hammer Essentials


Thayers Lemon Astringent Witch Hazel, 355 ml

Kaolin site pic.png

Kaolin Clay for face masks *normal and sensitive skin*, now 80 g!

Vit e oil site pic.png
Coming Soon or Sold Out

Vitamin E Oil, 30 ml


Kids Bamboo Toothbrush (1)

Rosehip Oil Generic  Site PIc.png

Cold Pressed Rosehip Seed Oil, 30 ml

unref shea butter site pic.png

Unrefined (Raw) Shea Butter, 2 sizes

from $5.72

Pure Golden Jojoba Oil, 100 ml (glass bottle)

Sweet Almond Oil,  100 ml in glass  (larger sizes available on request)

Sweet Almond Oil, 100 ml in glass (larger sizes available on request)

Neem Oilsite pic.png

Neem Oil, 100 ml

Epsom Salts, 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 1 kg food grade 310186.png

Epsom Salts, 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 1 kg food grade

from $4.97

The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion, 30 ml
