To a Loving and Caring Parent

My response to a loving and concerned parent in the face of vaccinations for children coming up here in Taiwan.


β€˜I appreciate your trust. I'll be sure to give you my most thoughtful answer.

Luckily the best thing to do before getting the vaccine and after is nothing much. I'll explain why.

We trust the body to do with the vaccine what it needs to do. Some people erroneously take things they hope will ramp up immunity. Modulating the immune system like this with herbs and supplements, it is thought, may possibly interfere with antibody production. And those are what we want!

Similarly, people may look to take anti-inflammatory supplements, pharmaceuticals, herbs, etc before and especially after the vaccination. Unless there is an extreme reaction, we also want to avoid this if possible.

The reason is because that inflammatory response is actually showing an activation of the immune system, again something we want. *Sometimes* there is greater inflammation reaction in younger/healthier bodies. It's because their immune systems are more robust, and so are just doing the very best job of all and that *can show up as some ache especially around the injection site, and some of the cold and flu like symptoms.

So what CAN we do?

We can be sure we are getting adequate doses of vitamin D3.

Herbalist, midwife, and Yale trained MD Aviva Romm gives these guidelines

adults, 2000-4000 iu per day

8-12 years, 1000 - 2000 iu per day

8 and under, 800 iu per day

babies, 400 iu per day


vitamin C

lots of water and soothing teas (teas like peppermint or spearmint, chamomile, lemon in water for example)

time for rest

lots of healthy food with protein, veggies, and fruits

If you or anyone finds that there is a distinct flu like reaction, the peppermint tea can be very helpful to help disperse the heat out of the body, sometimes presenting as a mild fever.

Perhaps on the topic of vaccines, I can help dispel some of the worries.

These are not made with any live viruses, and so cannot possibly have some of the disinformed rumored effects of shedding/spike protein shedding. Those only happen with vaccines that contain live virus.

There are no microchips in them, and also nothing that makes us magnetic.

MRNA vaccines are not new. And so over the last 20 years, we haven't seen wide spread issues with other MRNA vaccines.

These vaccines do not interact with, damage, or change DNA.

Is there one kind of food/music/medicine for everyone? No.

Will there be people with unforeseen side effects? Yes.
It's very small in number though. Far, far, far lower in risk than the possible effects of getting Covid and long-haul Covid.

However, if you have a medical condition, it’s perfectly okay to speak with your doctor about your case. Those known to have had negative reactions to vaccines in the past it is thought should avoid it or speak with their doctors first. Those who have an allergy to polyethylene glycol should not take the vaccine.

Those who are *immunocompromised (not to be confused with those with *autoimmune conditions) *might not receive enough protection from two doses.

If you'd like a very cautious, respectful, and balanced talk by the above mentioned Dr. Aviva Romm discussing this, I'm happy to share it with you. Click here for the link

All the mentioned vitamin d, zinc, teas, and vitamin C are available on my site right now and orders are made directly on the site now so I can help people with their orders as quickly as possible. β€˜

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