Mimosa Bark

Mimosa Bark.jpg

Happiness Bark

Isn’t that nickname glorious? Should be all be so lucky to be loved like the centuries have loved mimosa tree bark. Could you use some in your life?

The mimosa tree is an invasive species in the West. But here in Taiwan? It's right at home and has a long history of medicinal use in Eastern medicine.

For the right people, it means lighter and more grounded moods, and a more harmonized response to stress.
Think of mimosa as helping to guide us to a more open and resilient heart.
You can find it at HBH on its own
Mimosa Bark Tincture
as park of HBH’s Mimosa Mood, Lift and Stabillze Tincture

Working seven days a week as an herbalist, small business owner, and teacher, I know I certainly find mimosa helpful at times!
Can you think of anyone who could use a little mimosa in their life?
#science #tradition #lovemywork #mimosa

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