Health Bestowing Hands

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Why Health Bestowing Hands?

Why indeed!

"Entering the marketplace with help bestowing hands."

For two years this old idea about giving back to my community in service had stuck with me. In 2016 I began rushing toward, instead away from, this fire in my belly that became HBH. The only name felt right was

Health Bestowing Hands

Was it too long? Yes.

Was it too abstract? Yes.

Was it all wrong? Probably.

Oh, well.

It fit me, and all the years of study, training, and experiences, and desire to serve. And that is where the name came from.

Four years ago today, I handed over my first sale. It was an eco-friendly, small business produced, body-positive product, and it made me really happy to help it into a person's life.

And I never really looked back.

I've been discouraged, confused, unsure of directions to take, but none of that ever undid the joy, the feeling of healing purpose, and the greater connection to Community that I have experienced.
Had you told me how much technology-stuff, designing, content creation, long messaging that would bring me no money but would help people, and how many missteps I'd make along the way, maybe I never would have started.

Isn't how that always how it goes though?
I couldn't have predicted how many people would take me into their trust. The people who have told me that something I provided to them turned their situation around in some way. The people who I have never met in person and yet I know so much about and feel close to.

I'm so grateful to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has been a part of it.

Health Bestowing Hands is changing along with me. More herbs, botanicals, and functional foods from my own hands and other locals so I can be more sure than ever the materials are sustainably cultivated, harvested, and respected and in non-appropriated ways.

Even more teaching, connecting to the earth, and science.

How could I have practiced Service to a community without the community? I've been so lucky that HBH was embraced and that my work that is still a fire in my belly, can grow.

THANK YOU with all of my heart. ♡

August 4, 2020